The story behind AUTOMATICFLOW
It all started in Bavaria in 2002, when a small group of local farmers and cannabis enthusiasts turned their hobby into a passion. They continually specialized and never lost sight of what really mattered: quality and performance. With this indomitable spirit and the firm belief that "Love & Fertilizer Makes It", AUTOMATICFLOW was born in 2024.
"We remember with a certain pride our beginnings, when we mixed by hand, experimented and tested our products in the fields of our homeland. It was clear from the start that we wouldn't settle for average. We strived for perfection and innovation to meet the needs of our plants while preserving the tradition and heritage of our region. Today, after all these years of dedication and commitment, we are proud to introduce our AUTOMATICFLOW COMPLETE CANNABIS BOOSTER MIX - a product that combines the best of Bavaria's soil and cannabis culture. Every mix is a testament to our history, our passion and our unwavering belief that quality always comes first."